I saw the previews for the next season of a reality show called High School Reunion. For the people who go on there, high school seemed like it was important in their lives and there was a certain dynamic that I don't understand at the moment. I'd say I knew a good amount of people in high school. I knew them from different grades. I had people in the same classes over and over again, like the typical English and maybe some science and math classes. When I look over the lists on facebook of who graduated from my school in the same year, I don't recognize most of them. When I do recognize some of them, it's from seeing them from far away at school. They're not someone who I ever talked to.
So, I started thinking, if I were to go on High School Reunion, who would go with me and start entertaining drama? There were very few people I could think of. There's Matt, an ex, who I had frequent crushes on after we broke up and sometimes I hung around him because we had the same friends. Maybe Austin who was a close friend and he shut me out for a time in high school. When I asked for answers after high school, he had none. Austin is now married and although it's weird for me, I trust that he's with who he loves. He's a passionate person. If Rachel and I hadn't started talking and being friendly, we might have had some words for each other in person but I think that we didn't like each other in high school because we cared about each other and were hurt about things that happened.
As for other people, there are two people I can think of that would be entertaining if they were in the same room. One is my friend Michelle. I won't give the name of the other person because he most likely would be mad. Michelle and this guy were very close. I was also close with this person at times. Michelle and I were close for a time. Then, everyone stopped talking to each other in high school. Michelle and I are on good terms. I saw her when I went back to visit a few years ago and we talked and filled each other in on what happened in those times we weren't talking in high school. But this guy has sent emails to her on social networking sites basically saying he's not going be her friend and not fully explaining the reasons for that. He has also rejected my friend request to him with no explanation. I would ask him what I did as a 15 year old that he's mad about but it's his loss. There's definitely something there but I don't know what it is. It would make for good television if he was confronted.
Maybe it's because I'm still young. Maybe it's because I've forgotten the harsh words said to me or why I was mad at whoever. I'm trying to understand how people in their 30's can hold on to these high school experiences and want to be in a house with people from high school. I question their maturity. As for me, if I were every to go on a show like that, and it would be a big "if," I might not even know the people in the house, nor care about something that happened so long ago.
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