I like the cartoonist J.Scott Campbell. His style is just amazing.
I'm happy to see some of the fashion designs of Kat Von D. I like the Napoleon type jackets. I just wish it wasn't so expensive. I remember when I used to love the L.A.M.B designs from Gwen Stefani and they were also expensive.
Last night, I stopped to have a drink at my favorite local bar. I went by myself and spent time talking to lots of different people. I was talking with this one woman and she told me that she had gotten into a bar fight the year before. This guy sat down with us, the way that friends of friends of friends do, and he started talking. Well, he started to get offended that she said "police" like "po-lice" (similar to po-po, if you've heard it). He told her not to "church" it up for him-- thinking that she was saying it that way because he was black and she wanted to impress him. She was talking in a slight ghetto accent for quite some time during the night(and I don't mean to be offensive here, there's just a certain way that people talk and it's people from all different ethnicities who talk like this when they've been in or near the ghettos). She was just out of hot water when she said something in a Southern accent. He was joking that her shoe must taste good. Then, she went on to other topics and said the word "retarded." Now, this isn't in my vocabulary but I work with lots of teens who use it freely and I've grown used to it. I might not have been paying too much attention to the conversation because I didn't hear her say it. He got really offended and said his son was Autistic. He then associated me with her, even though I had just met her an hour or so earlier. So, he gets mad and if I were her, I would have turned around and just sat there, not talking. Instead, she goes on and on, saying she can't apologize now. So, near the end of the exchange, she says, "Have fun with your son." He was so mad-- tensing his jaw, cussing, and making fists. As I said, I was head down, not trying to get involved. I started talking to someone else about music.
I assumed after this, the guy leaves. He was fairly upset. She even said more things as he was across the room. He stared at me, like, "Did she just say something more?" and I didn't even understand what she was talking about. It sounded like it was something offensive.
I grabbed my keys to leave. She sees the guy and goes over to apologize. It has not been more than 2 minutes. I would not have done that at all. People need about 20 minutes to calm down and if I were her, I would be so embarrassed that I would either leave or not talk to anyone for a little bit. I walked out. He walked out to get away from her and she followed him to his car. He called his friend over, the friend called the bar owner over, and she walked over to her friend who I was talking to. He was offering me a ride home but I hadn't had a drink for at least 90 minutes so, I was good to drive. She started talking to him about how this other guy yelled at her and she couldn't apologize to him. Then, she started crying. If it were me, of course I'd cry. I don't like tense situations. I wasn't sure why she was crying. I've noticed in the past, I've cried because I wasn't getting my way and I didn't like the consequences, i.e. some professors who had given me a bad grade and didn't want to talk to me directly about it. I finally sat down with them and as expected, they did not want to hear any way of working it out meaning I had to retake the class, most likely with them because it was a small school. Sometimes crying is definitely a way to manipulate so I definitely wondered with this girl if she was crying for that reason.
I'm just glad I wasn't in a bar fight because most likely, I would have accidentally been involved just by being around. :(
I've been driving around lately and have seen some guys with signs in one town saying that they will work. I was in a different town and saw someone with a sign that said, "Anything helps." Yes, anything does help but I would respect him more if he said he was willing to work instead of making money by just standing there. I thought about the way that I've seen some women cry while holding their signs. I try to understand that yes, the situation sucks and it's not what they would have wanted. So, it must be at times really trying and upsetting. I don't like seeing their crying because I wonder if they do get more money because they are crying. So, it doesn't feel right to me.
I've seen some people who were working together and it seemed like they had a goal-- like they just needed to get money for something that they were doing, i.e. gas or a place to stay for the night. They were very active, not just walking but like talking to each other and going to different cars with high energy. That's why it seemed that they had a goal.
My roommate's cat is sleeping on my bed right now and she's snoring. I love little cat snores.
I gave up Facebook for Lent. I'm just ready to go back on to edit everyone and switch people over to my professional page-- the ones who I care about but I don't want to get updates about all the time. I want to really reduce my personal page to only anyone who actually interacts with me. I mean there are also people I'm close with who I don't mind getting updates about (but we don't interact much).
At this point, I'm just tired of getting only game requests. I love playing Sims but I don't want to have that be the only way people interact with me. I want to think that I'm funny and that people genuinely care about me.
For a second, I had thought about joining the Catholic church. I was hung up about the story of Jesus but I reframed it to be that he was a saint. I can handle that. As a prophet, I just don't get the story. But today, I realized that my life is too liberal to be a part of the Catholic church. I go to Planned Parenthood and I don't mind supporting their mission for women's health, even when women have difficulties paying for treatment. Health and reproductive health is too important that money doesn't need to be an issue. I also think that in some situations, parents should not be notified about their girls getting reproductive services because that could cause further abuse. I hang out with gay people. I don't want to think that they will go to hell for their sins. I don't think they are sinning. I also didn't like when my Baptist friend said she did not attend her cousin's wedding because the cousin is gay. She said she loved her cousin but she didn't like the sin so she wasn't going to go and support her at her wedding. I don't want to be like that.
It just sucks because I feel like there isn't a church who believes in God, doesn't talk about Jesus and is liberal. I was a part of the Unitarian church. I had lots of issues with having a community that was so supportive, however, I wanted to talk more about God (and they just can't do that because of the Athiests) and my pastor was very persuasive and wanted to sit down with me to talk about my church hopping. She wanted to make connections for me. And she really wanted me to join the church. I did not want to join as a financially contributing member. I felt that it was about money and I didn't want to keep with it. I didn't like the pressure.I also tend to have issues with consistency with a community of any sort. And as I said before, I also wanted to talk more about God.
I bought a "St. Michael/ Guardian Angel" pendant on Saturday. I keep praying that I get taken where I need to be for that day. I ask for guidance. I even did a meditation to meet a spirit guide today. I met a very high energy girl. I'm guessing it's a new or different one. I think some psychics believe that there's only one. I believe that there are many guiding spirits of pets, angels, relatives and whoever decides to attach to you for a short time or a long period of time. This girl was so fun. She encouraged me to have more fun in my life. Then, I proceeded to have a very long day that only focused on work before going grocery shopping and taking a nap. After the nap, I couldn't concentrate at all. I tried to write and nothing. I couldn't keep my focus long enough to finish a sentence. I definitely couldn't read or do artwork in such a state. I turned off my computer and cleaned up my room a bit before going back on the Internet for funny pictures.
I realize now, as I'm watching Dougie Howser, that he was keeping a journal on his computer-- possibly the first noted BLOG?! LOL.
So, in order to break addictions, there has to be other options of things to do. So, I felt that I had an addiction to Facebook. I've used Twitter more often. I worry that that is part of the same addiction. At first, though, I thought that Twitter was different and I could use it in a different way. But now, I'm not sure. I just don't know what I want to do. It seems like it's all really the same and I just don't want to be a part of it now.
When I was at the grocery store today, I had to get the store card again. I lost the ring that I had with all of my information on it. So, I go to customer service. Correct me if I'm wrong, but usually, they ask for your phone number and they have the info. They kept insisting that on this computer-- and only this computer, they needed to have either my driver license number or my social security number. That didn't seem right to me. I wondered if I really gave my social security number for a stupid store card. The only thing that I really like about it is gas points-- get a certain amount of points and get up to 40 or 50 cents off of gas. It's kind of nice. But I was reading on the internet that these companies only perpetuate more spam mail. So, I figured that at one time they needed social security numbers to connect people to their spending habits to send targeted ads to those people. This might relate to gas points because it really motivates people to sign up for these stupid cards that track everything.
Once the woman was finished, she said, "Thank you" and then walked away abruptly. I felt like WTF!? Did you just rip me off? Did I, the customer, bother you from your work? But it's also the Connecticut way. People are just sort of mean until you drink with them or get to know them--- at that point, they're your friend forever. It's why I love CT.CA people just don't do that. They're nice until they get to know you, then they don't care unless you have something for them.
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