Friday, October 28, 2011

Karma and Soul Mates

My Beliefs about Karma and Soul Mates

I believe a few things about karma. One, karma is cycle and patterns. Two, these cycles and patterns can be seen throughout a life and sometimes they can be broken. Three, these cycles can be carried over from previous lives. Everyone has a pattern-- whether it be that they date people who cheat, they can't seem to find love, or when someone is attracted to a certain culture or a certain time period.
In everyone's life, there are ebbs and  flows. Sometimes money, friends, and love are in an abundance; other times you can't pay a bum to hang out with you-- mostly because you don't have the money but also because there wouldn't be one who wanted to be around you. This is just the natural cycle.
What happens in one lifetime can be made up for in another lifetime. For example, if one person had good luck and fortune in one life time, that pattern can either continue or it can b the opposite that they'd have bad luck and misfortune.
Sometimes we have karma with people. It might be unfinished business. It might be that we are changing roles through several lifetimes, like within our families and close friends. This leads into Soul Mates. To my understanding, there are several types of soul mates. There are people who come in briefly into your life and they help you in some way. There are your family and close friends that are meant to be in your life for the long haul. Then, there's the romantic love soul mate-- the one and only. However, I believe that throughout many lifetimes, our souls are going through journey of attaining goals and they're reaching different levels in their journey. Sometimes, we meet with our soul mates before this life and decide whether or not to meet them during this life. It might be that we need to attend to a goal for our soul journey and that goals is so intensive, we won't meet the soul mate.

In conclusion, karma is the cycle of a lifetime and over the course of several lifetimes. Soul mates include many people, including helpers, friends and family, and romantic love soul mates. We can decide to not meet our soul mate in this lifetime.

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